Tuesday, 10 July 2012


 My dear little Nick went to sleep on Monday, July 2nd.
 He had recovered from his big operation and was really well and happy for several weeks but then he slowly began to show signs of illness.
He drank quite a lot and lost his appetite. I just knew that his kidneys had failed so on the Monday morning after he had been sick a couple of times and fainted in the garden, I made an appointment with the vet.
 My daughter drove me there and after tests showed that he was very, very sick and had no hope of getting better, I made a decision to let him go.
 I held his hand while Jenny held me and we said good-bye. I cuddled him all the way home and he's now sleeping in the back garden where he loved to play.

This is one of my favourite photo's of Nick watching out the window. He loved to see people and cars go by and would get really excited when one of the family drove up in their car.

This is a fairly recent photo of Nick and his friend Bella. Nick is in his "pajama's" because he often felt the cold.  Bella loved to cuddle him, particularly near their meal time!
 I have watched as Bella cuddled Nick and her fluffy tail wrapd around his neck like a lovely scarf.

I love this photo too. Nick has his woolly "jama's on.  He was a fashionable boy, he had several coats and pajama's even a very smart red tartan coat that was for "best".

 I have nearly 14 years of memories and photo's but I miss him so much. The house is quiet and neater, I can walk without either tripping over him or having him follow my every step but, oh what I would give to have him back for another cuddle. I'm amazed that such a small dog could fill so much of my day.

           "Bye Nick, be a good boy and I will see you again one day. xxxxx


  1. so very sorry Vicki i can see you loved him alot,but lots of lovely memories for always in your heart,RIP Nick.xx

  2. My heart aches for you loss Vicki, furkids have such a special place in our hearts.

  3. Oh, Vicki, I'm so sorry to read this very sad post. There's nothing I can say that will make you feel any better at the loss of such a dear friend. Enjoy your happy memories and photos. xx

  4. Eres muy amado Nicholas yo tengo 7 hermanos tuyos (perros) y son siempre muy amados!
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  5. Thank-you dear friends for your lovely words. The house is so quiet now without Nick but I've been cheered up by both my cats who have been much more cuddly and wanting to be closer to me. Every time I bent down to stroke one of them, Nick would push himself in to be patted first so perhaps Bella and Harry felt a bit left out by not getting all my attention. Anyway, I still have two warm, fluffy bodies to keep me warm.
    Vicki xx

  6. So sorry Vicki (((HUGS))) such sad news. He was blessed to have had you - hang on to those precious memories. I'm sure he's waiting at Rainbow Bridge for you. xxx

  7. So sad for you Vicki, I know how much it hurts. Those memories are indeed precious, thank you for sharing some of them (and the photos) with us. Nick was indeed a sweet fur baby. Hugs and blessings, Sandie

  8. Aww...I am so sad to visit you here for the first time and hear of your loss. I am truly sorry, the loss of a 'family member' is painful...I miss my dog Ginger terribly.

    thanks for sharing your sweet photos...they are memories you can always hold near and dear to your heart.


  9. Vicki, I have nominated you for the 'One Lovely Blog Award'. Hugs, Sandie. http://SnippetsfrommyStudio.blogspot.com

  10. Thank-you Carmelina for your kind words about my little Nick. As you have lost a loved pet you will know just how I feel.
    Thank-you Sandie for your nomination, you've made my day!
    Hugs to you both.
